Saturday, September 24, 2005


always there when i need
why do i not more often come?
always ready to listen
wherever i may be

what is my desire?
can any other reach?
no one else fulfills
empty are the claims
that fill my mind and heart
regarding these other things

so much do i seek after
none of which has value
they crumble as sand figures
as i reach for them and grip
and through my fingers
onto the floor
these sand idols fall

always i need to focus
on the Rock the LORD of all

like a mirage in the distance
always just out of reach
and when i come i find
not more than empty road
yet another up ahead
and off again i pursue

One will satisfy
One will fulfill
One is Light Itself
and not simply illusion

One is enough
One will suffice
containing beauty in Itself
and not in vain or vice

One fills all desire
One calls me to Himself
"come to Me all who are weary
and heavy-laden, and
I will give you rest."

One is the bread that fills
One is the water that satiates
One has love which never fails
and only One

concern yourself firstly with Him
and all else will come His time



Blogger Leilani said...

Did you write this? It's absolutely amazing . . . !

13 October, 2005 19:28  

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