Wednesday, March 23, 2005

persistent vegetative state

A quote from Yahoo News
Schiavo, 41, suffered brain damage after cardiac arrest in 1990 and was left in a "persistent vegetative state." State courts have sided with her husband Michael Schiavo's view that she would not want to be kept alive in that condition.
I noticed something when reading this paragraph, and it is good news. The viewpoint has changed. A few days ago when this whole story was first coming out in the news I never saw the words "persistent vegetative state" in quotes. The reporters simply stated and asserted that she was in a persistent vegetative state, and they didn't question it. But now...they put it in quotes. They still write it, so they have not come up with another way to define the state she is in, but they do put it in quotes because people just say she is in a persistent vegetative state, but they are starting to believe otherwise. Recently there have been reports of people who say she can be rehabilitated, and that she does respond to people and that she is conscious. Earlier today on the radio I heard that a nurse has said that Terri has a vocabulary of 5 words or so, and that she can communicate whether she would prefer pudding or another snack. I also heard that Gov. Bush has found a doctor that believes she can be rehabilitated. I also read quite a while ago on the Terri's fight website about a doctor who believed she could be rehabilitated. Just now I was going to look for it to put a link here to it and I found this write-up. I really encourage you to read that one. The article I was originally looking for can be found here. Specifically:
MYTH: Many doctors have said that there is no hope for her.
FACT: Dr. Victor Gambone testified that he visits Terri 3 times a year. His visits last for approximately 10 minutes. He also testified, after viewing the court videotapes at Terri’s recent trial, that he was surprised to see Terri’s level of awareness. This doctor is part of a team hand-picked by her husband, Michael Schiavo, shortly before he filed to have Terri’s feeding removed. Contrary to Schiavo’s team, 14 independent medical professionals (6 of them neurologists) have given either statements or testimony that Terri is NOT in a Persistent Vegetative State. Additionally, there has never been any medical dispute of Terri’s ability to swallow. Even with this compelling evidence, Terri’s husband, Michael Schiavo, has denied any form of therapy for her for over 10 years.
What is also good to see is the news saying "State courts have sided with her husband Michael Schiavo's view that she would not want to be kept alive in that condition." It is good to see them say that this is only Michael Shiavo's view and not necessarily the truth.

Though I am glad to see these changes, I am saddened by the apparent lack of value for life I observe as so many people comment on the Yahoo message boards that Terri's 'plug should be pulled.' Obviously they are misinformed and have horrible value systems.


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