Sunday, March 22, 2009

spurgeon on lordship salvation

look out...
Is Christ first and last and middle with you, top and bottom, foundation and pinnacle, all in all? He knows not Christ who does not know that Christ is all. Christ and company will never do. Christ is the sole Saviour, the sole trust, the one prophet, priest, and king to all who accept Him. Is He everything to you? Ah, there are some who think they love Christ; they think they trust Christ; but if He were to come to their house He would have a seat at the far right end of the table if they treated Him as they treat Him now. They would give Him part of the Sabbath-day: they were loafing about all the morning, they were only able to get here this evening, and even now they have not come to worship, but only out of curiosity. A chapter in the Bible, how long is it, young man, since you read one? Private prayer - ah, I must not go into that; it is such a sorry story that you would have to tell. If anybody said to you, 'You are not a Christian', you would be offended. Well, I will say it, and you may be offended if you like, but remember you should be offended with yourself rather than with me. If you offend my Lord I am not at all afraid of your being offended with His servant, and therefore I tell you, if Christ be anything short of Lord and king in your soul, Christ and you are wide apart. He must be in the front rank, Lord High Admiral upon the sea, and Commander-in-Chief on the land. He is not going to be a petty officer, to come in at your odd times to be a lackey to you. You must take Him to be Head, Lord, and Master. Is it so with you? If not, you differ from those in Heaven, for He is all in all to them.
Charles Spurgeon,
The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Vol. XXI, p. 179