Friday, April 15, 2005

funny google

i found some things about google that i feel are humorous:

Go to Google Maps. Zoom all the way out so you see most of the continent of North America. Scroll all the way around the globe to the right or left (click on one side of the map and drag to the other)...looks like Google thinks that North America is the only continent on the globe. Hehe. ;)

The other thing I found out is that Google is available in the following languages:
*Elmer Fudd - example: "Youw seawch - ... - did not match any documents. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!" (when I went to preferences to change to another language there were no 'R' or 'L' entries in the list of languages, they were down with the 'W's, eg. "Watin, Watvian, Womanian, Wussian")
*Klingon - example: "Danej 'ach mu'vam ngaS pagh Daq" - any Trekkie want to translate that?
*A strange language labeled as: "Bork, Bork, Bork" a search that returned no results said this: "Yuoor seerch - ... - deed nut metch uny ducooments. Um gesh dee bork, bork!" and "Try deefffferent keyvurds. Um gesh dee bork, bork!" ...hmmm...
*Pig-latin: "Ouryay earchsay - ... - idday otnay atchmay anyay ocudayentsmay" sister and i used to speak that all the time when we were idskay (kids). that was fun :)
*Esperanto, which is a cool language to know about. Read about it here.
*Hacker (aka 'Leet') - "j00|2 534|2(|-| - ... - c|1c| |\|07 |\/|4+(|-| 4|\|y c|0(V|\/|3|\|+5. 5|-|17!!!!"

Check it out yourself:
Go to google
Click on "Preferences" and choose a fun language!
I'm gonna keep mine at "Elmer Fudd" for a while. :)

Monday, April 11, 2005

Arabidopsis thaliana

That's the binomial nomenclature of this super cool plant that God designed. Basically what it does is modifies its DNA if it has mutated, so that it goes back to it's 'grandparents' DNA. Effectively preventing 'evolution' because evolution (or evilution as I like to spell it) requires mutations to be able to take place and then natural selection "chooses" the beneficial mutations so that the species evolves (read 'improves').

[Note: The problem with this idea is that, according to the evolutionary model, there needs to be an increase in genetic information, but when a beneficial mutation occurs (which is very very very rarely) it comes about in conjunction with a loss of genetic information. Next time an evolutionist talks to you about species mutating and evolving ask them to give you an example of when a genetic mutation added information to the genetic pool.]

Here are my choice links about this cool new discovery:


    And here is a Google Search
  • leadership

    what is the problem with so many Christians today? the Bible clearly tells us that women are to have one role, and men another. But so many people try to read this away and explain it away from Scripture.

    the problem is pride on the women's part, lack of backbone on the men's part, and misunderstanding on both parts.

    Listen, there needs to be leadership. If there isn't leadership, then that results in chaos. If there's fighting over who is going to lead, that's almost tyranny (defn: "a ruler who had seized power without legal right to it") and also leads to chaos.

    God tells us clearly in His Word: "Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ." (1 Cor. 11:3)

    No, woman is not lower or lesser or unequal to man. If you were to say that, then by the same reasoning God the Son is lower than God the Father. Which is untrue. Just because man is given one role and woman another does not mean that woman is less than man. Man and woman are equal. Read that verse again, who has the harder role? The woman or the man? The man does because, just like every leadership situation, the leader takes all the flak when something goes wrong. It's the leader's responsibility to make sure things go well.

    My mom is awesome. A lot of women say that if they have discussed something with their husband and expressed to him that they feel he is going to make the wrong decision, they will step up and actually stop him from making that decision. My mom rocks because she realizes that is wrong. The husband is the leader, he makes the final decision. If he makes the wrong decision after he has discussed it with his wife, that is his decision and he is in charge. If things go wrong in God's eyes, God knows the situation. He knows it was the husband who messed up. Maybe God is going to use that mess up to teach the husband something, to help him to grow. It's not the woman's place to step in and stop him. She can express her concern, but it is his final decision.

    Boy I got going on that one :).

    Call me chauvinist if you like, but you're arguing against the Bible which is God's word.

    Sunday, April 10, 2005


    if i am remembering correctly, over the past 2 months we have either been the guests in someone's house or have had guests 11 times.

    hospitality is a good thing. i have been very impressed with the level of it at this church. i have been impressed with a lot of things at this church and that is why i desire to stay around here. though i must take this opportinity to vent:

    we, as Christians, are instructed to "practice hospitality" (Romans 12:13). But in my experience (with the exception of this church and a few other select people), we mostly aren't. I have been to churches where, if I want, I could walk in virtually unnoticed, sit through the whole service and walk out without anyone coming up to talk to me. I could even stand around afterward and no one would come up and talk to me. It's sad. We aren't friendly, we aren't hospitable. We stay in our own cliques and don't reach out to new people who have come. And we aren't alert enough, to see when there are situations where people (who may have been attending for a while) have not yet found a group of friends. We need to reach out to these people. We need to be more friendly, more alert, more hospitable. Don't say "oh, that's the elders or the greeters job." No, the Bible was written to you and it says that you are supposed to be hospitable.

    i'm preaching to myself here too 'cause i haven't perfected my hospitality. we all need to work on it.