Saturday, February 19, 2005

improvement needed

why do we not do what we enjoy and what we know is right? i'll explain. i was talking with someone today about the message we heard this morning at the men's breakfast--about not ignoring the Holy Spirit. He and I were talking and he said, "I get frustrated and I don't know why I don't always put everything at the Lord's feet and live as He would have me live. One summer I lived that way and it was the best summer I've ever had. I know how good it is to do it, and I enjoy following Him completely...but I don't, why?"

I agreed with him. I do the same thing. Why is that? Why, when we know that it is rewarding to follow Christ, and to lay every decision before Him and seek His will, and we know we will enjoy it and it is the right thing to do, do we still turn from Him and live differently?


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